Frequently Asked Questions

To help answer some of the most commonly asked questions we have put together a small collection of questions and answers. If you cannot find your answer here then please contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Click on the links below to skip to that section.

What should my child wear?
How and when do I pay my child’s fees?
Can my children (of different ages) all attend the same class?
Do classes stop during the school holidays?
If my child misses a session, can we attend a ‘make up’ session?
What happens if my child’s class falls on a Bank Holiday?
When will my child move to the next age group?
Will my child be with other children of a similar ability?
Should I expect my child to change groups as he/she progresses?
Do you offer a Badge Scheme?
Does the badge that my child is on affect which group they are put into?
Will my child be held back until they have passed their next badge?
I would like my child to do more gymnastics, can we do an additional class?
I think my child has a talent for gymnastics, how are children selected for squads?
What is the Floor & Vault Squad?
I have a question that’s not covered here, who and how can I ask?

What should my child wear?

If your child does not have a leotard, shorts and a t-shirt (tucked in) are suitable attire for their first recreational class. Please ensure that your child can move freely and is not restricted in any way by their clothing. Cropped or low-cut tops are not allowed. A Leotard will need to be purchased for your child’s further sessions. Hair should be suitably tied back and all jewellery removed or taped (micropore tape recommended for covering stud earrings that cannot be removed).

How and when do I pay my child’s fees?

Your child’s first session is paid by cash on their first day. A Direct Debit will then need to be set up online to be paid monthly. The fees are spread out equally over the year and take into account our two-week closures at Christmas, Easter and Summer. Date of closures are found on the noticeboards at the gym. Please make sure you are aware of these dates. Unpaid fees will result in your child being refused entry into the class.

Can my children (of different ages) all attend the same class?

Unfortunately not as our classes are age specific.

Do classes stop during the school holidays?

Classes continually run through the whole year, but we are closed for two weeks at Easter, Christmas and Summer. Please see the club’s Noticeboards for dates.

If my child misses a session, can we attend a ‘make up’ session?

No, unfortunately, due to all our classes being at full capacity, we are unable to offer ‘make-up’ sessions should your child miss a class. We do not offer refunds for missed classes. If your child is unable to attend due to serious injury or illness please contact us as soon as possible on dealgymastics@sky.com

What happens if my child’s class falls on a Bank Holiday?

Your child will be able to attend another class during that same week.

When will my child move to the next age group?

Children are offered classes according to their age and will be asked to move class times to the next age group when spaces become available.

Will my child be with other children of a similar ability?

Children are grouped according to ability within their age group class. When new children join a class (or move classes), they may be moved around within that class during the first couple of weeks while their ability is assessed to ensure they are placed into the correct group.

Should I expect my child to change groups as he/she progresses?

No, children remain in their ability group, where we aim to progress them alongside each other. We will only move a child to a different group if their rate of progression increases well above those in their class.

Do you offer a Badge Scheme?

We offer the British Gymnastics Badge scheme and test every gymnast three times a year. Please see notices for Badge Testing weeks.

Does the badge that my child is on affect which group they are put into?

No, though this may be a rough guide to their ability, we are also looking at how quickly children learn new skills, their attitude to learning, body control, body extension and general behaviour.

Will my child be held back until they have passed their next badge?

No, there are so many apparatus and skills to learn that even if your child is stuck on a badge, they will continue to learn new things in other areas while still working on the remaining skill to pass their badge.

I would like my child to do more gymnastics, can we do an additional class?

Yes, please contact us via email dealgymnastics@sky.com or leave a message at Reception and you will be advised of other suitable classes and when they may become available.

I think my child has a talent for gymnastics, how are children selected for squads?

Our coaches are always looking out for potential talent and the majority of our current squad members have been spotted in our recreational classes.

What is the Floor & Vault Squad?

Our Floor & Vault Squad is an invitational group, comprising our most talented recreational children who may not want to do the hours required for an elite squad, are older than the required age for their ability in elite gymnastics or simply lack in a particular aspect required for the elite squad section. They run alongside our other recreational classes.

I have a question that’s not covered here, who and how can I ask?

The quickest way to speak to the correct person for your specific question is via email as many of our staff are part-time and may not be on-site at the time of your enquiry. Please email dealgymnastics@sky.com and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.